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TAG: The Wanderlust Tag.

Heyy guysss,

Yes another Tag post, but I promise the next post will be devoted to the Rimmel Appocalips. I have finally made my decision about them. Keep a watch out to know whether I like them or just simply dislike them. Okay back to the Tag, I saw Essiebutton do this tag and then Miss Glamarazzi and Catrific too.. And I loved the answers so I figured why no give it a go too! So here it is:

1. Your most treasured passport stamp?

   Uhmm, I think I am going to go with France as it was a much awaited trip and I thoroughly enjoyed my new years at the Eiffel Tower. *swoon*

2. Can you recite your passport # from memory if asked?

    Absolutely, Although i wouldn't share it here! (hey! People could rob my identity! lol, no but seriously i can't post it for security reasons.)

3. Preferred method of travel; planes, trains or automobiles?

Airplanes! I hate cars as I feel like I can't move around and am stuck to one particular seat and trains are a no because they take too much time as compared to planes.
4. Top 3 travel items?

Travel Makeup Kit (sooo expected!), A Good Reading Book, Laptop (hooray for free hotel internet!)

5. Hostel or hotel?

Hotel is a better option for someone like me with OCD

6. Are you a repeat visitor or do you explore new places?

I would say explorer, although I sometimes do go back to my most loved places.

7. Do you read up on your destination (culture,history,safety) or do you wing it?

I am a reader! I hate surprises and want to know everything in advance, so I read up and also once I reach the destination and we go to the hotel, I am one of those girls that picks up all the little flyers and city maps from the reception/travel desk and hold on to them till I am on my way back home.

8. Favorite travel website?

I love getting amazing vacation packages from http://www.LuxuryLink.com/

Also on a side note, Once I am at my holiday destination I love looking up on Yelp which is an app on my iPhone to look up local restaurants or sightseeing or even shopping areas. Yelp is the best! 

9. Where would you recommend a friend to visit? Name city & why.

London, of course! For those that know me, know that I have practically grown up there. Learnt all my important life lessons and all that *yeahright* Honestly I think London is such an amazing city! I love the atmosphere and love how diverse it is, from  utmost luxury in kensington and chelsea to street pani puris and dhoklas *typicalgujju* at Wembley! This city has my heart! Did I mention the shopping? Lets just say its fantabulous as if I start to describe it in detail, your looking at a PHD thesis right here!

10, You're leaving tomorrow, money is no option, where are you going?

Uzbekistan ;) 

So that was the tag and my answers. I would love for you all to do this tag and send me a link so I can stalk you.. lol I would really love to know your answers. 



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