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Outfit of The Night- Minimal Synth

Of last weekend actually. Boy did I collect those well or not? XD

Anywho, last weekend I saw a concert of the minimal synth band Boykott Kommunikation.
They were cool, in a way, but frankly I am not a big minimal fan, I don't feel the music and dancing to it at parties is even worse. However, seeing it live was quite interesting. And I came to take some photos as well.

Shirt: from a random store in Israel
Pants: from Hot Topic when I was in Boston 4 years ago
Boots: Demonia given to me from Boris
Belts: random finds in stores no one visits ;)

We tried this experiment last week. Boris wanted to dye his hair blond / any color that is not his natural.
So we bought 2 packages of Schwarzkopf blond hair dye to see what happens, because I was totally against bleaching in fear of having nothing left to dye afterwards. 

My heart ached that I had to use a dye which had been tested on animals. I haven't found other brands in any drugstore here.... I was very sad about it, but at least I won't consume this product frequently as others do...

Selfies haven't been made for quite a while. I wasn't happy with how my face turns out in photos for some time now. I have come to the conclusion I should never smile in photos. My face simply gets so distorted it doesn't look natural nor pretty. So the "surprised" look suits me best because you can actually see how my eyes look like.
Same for the "looking down" emo pics. Love them. You can see I dyed my hair a bit too to see how the black remains of it react to the blond.
I will have blond hair one day, I have the patience for the "long process" way instead of the "standing with a dick in your hands wishing it was your hair" method.

Here are some shots of Boykott Kommunikation:

Tonight we are having a massive 3 floor ebm, industrial, post punk, batcave party that should be worth it considering its cost. Picture of outfit would be taken!
Stay gothy!

My blog is pastel now. Because I can.

+ Nebel Violet +

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