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Herbal tea collection

I love herbal tea. I used to love coffee so much but recently I only drink herbal tea or sometimes normal tea (I love earl gray), and I have a cup of coffee once a month or less. Here are my collection of herbal tea, they are the ones I got from London in June.

Pukka relax
I always wanted to try Pukka, but it's quite expensive in Japan. (Like 800-900yen/box) I chose relax as I love the flavor of Chamomile, and sometimes I get stomachache because of stress and Chamomile makes me relaxed and help reducing my pain. It doesn't have a strong herbal flavor, you should try it once if you're new to herbal tea. I drink it after a stressful day, to cleanse all the negative things happened on that day.

Raspberry Leaf Tea
If you have a heavy period, try this tea. It reduces cramps and helps a uterus to contract. That's why you cannot take it when you're pregnant (It helps you in the later months of pregnancy, but not the beginning months). Even the sales lady at the shop told me to make sure that I was not pregnant. It really helps my cramps, which are very heavy usually. This brand's raspberry leaf tea could be the best because it's blended with rose hip and some other fruits. It tastes quite fruity, you can add some sugar if desired. I love the taste, and it reduces my pain, I just love this tea.

Sainsbury's Fruits & herbal infusion
I left this box at work, so that I can enjoy herbal tea at work. But this one is technically not herbal tea I guess, it's more like fruits tea. The colors of strawberry or blueberry tea surprised me as they were really dark, and they smelled like candies or something. It smelled of artificial flavor. I didn't like the taste either, they are quite sour.

Sleepytime Extra
Sleepytime usually comes in a green box. My mother and I love Skeepytime so much and always keep one box in stock. It's got Chamomile and Peppermint in it, which makes you relaxed and leads you to deep sleep. Indeed, I have good dreams when I drink it before bed. It really works! So when I saw "Sleepytime Extra" I had to buy it. It's not sold in Japan, so I wanted to try out. The saleslady told me that Sleepytime is for relaxation, and Sleepytime Extra is more focused on good quality of sleep. It tastes a bit different from Sleepytime, I would say the normal version tastes better. This one's got more of a herbal flavor. But still it's very nice.

Herbal tea does not only taste good but also helps your body to function well. Choosing the best herbal tea for your body really helps your health. Try out Chamomile first, it doesn't have a strong herbal flavor much. Don't try lavender or rose if you're new to herbal tea, it could be too much for you. And whenever you drink herbal tea, make it hot if possible. Hot drinks warmth your body which improves immunity.

Have a nice day with your favourite herbal tea!

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