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I got a haircut~ / Innocent Thing

Everytime I cut my hair I swear I won't do it again~ I don't like taking risks when it comes to haircuts, I usually keep it long, but it became too annoying, it was too much hair and it was already damaged so, it was time to get rid of all that.
I was already thinking of getting a trim but last week I finally got the chance to watch "Innocent Thing" and I loved Jo Bo Ah's haircut! She is such a gorgeous girl and great young actress. I am not brave enough to cut my hair that short but seeing the pictures of her actual look made me feel inspired to get mine done like hers. Who knows, maybe I'll cut it shorter next time. Hehee.

Speaking of "Innocent Thing"~ I was really anxious to watch it since Jo Bo Ah is one of my favortie actresses and beauty icons. It took a while for it to be subbed so it was exciting to finally have the chance to watch it. The movie is a Romantic Thriller about a young girl who falls for her married teacher but, that gets ugly when she starts stalking him. If you are into those kinds of movies, deffo should check it out!