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Sunshine Blogger Award

I was nominated by Hayley from HayleyxMartin for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Go check out her blog guys, she is one of my favorite new bloggers and she's one of the nicest people in the blogosphere.

The Rules
Thank your nominator and add a link to their blog
Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you
Nominate another 11 blogs and write a set of 11 questions for them to answer
Display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your blog.

Questions from Hayley
What is your favourite part about having a blog? 
For me, it's that creative expression, and I've finally found something I was passionate about and good at. I've never stuck to activities when I was a kid, I wasn't sporty at all, I had no musical talent (I couldn't even blow noise out of the flute when I was learning how to play), and I was nowhere near a top student. But I have always loved writing and designing. So I have been able to hone that skill with this blog. I also love meeting other bloggers around the world and learning about their background and their culture, what country they come from.

What do you struggle most with when it comes to blogging?
Anything to do with pageviews, lack of comments, not enough followers (and when I gain a few, I lose even more within minutes). Honestly, I've wanted to quit my blog many times for this very reason, and I've always wondered what was wrong with me...like the negative thoughts started creeping up again. Wondering why not many people read my blog. I'm a sensitive soul and I get discouraged very easily. But I still love blogging and I shouldn't care whether hoards of people read it or not.

Have you got some goals you would like to achieve over the next few months with your blog?
I've thought about either creating a new blog (but more lifestyle focused, I'd still have a lot of makeup posts though, about roughly 70% beauty-related) or rebranding it again. I've been contemplating switching over from Blogger to self-hosted Wordpress but that idea sounds so daunting to me. I'm also afraid of losing all of my stats. I definitely want to get a domain though. I want to post more blogging and graphic design tips should I ever take my blog in a different direction though. I will reiterate that I would still post about makeup a lot but I want to branch out more. What do you guys think I should do? Any advice?

Do you stick to a certain blog topic or write about anything?
I write 95% about makeup and beauty, and the other 5% about lifestyle, fashion, my issues with lupus, travels, etc. Before my wedding in March, I talked A LOT about my wedding planning.

Are there any bloggers who inspire you? If so who?
Hayley, of course! I also love all of the bloggers who take time to read and comment. Paula from Thirteen Thoughts is one of my absolute favorite bloggers too, and I visit her website frequently for inspiration.

What are your favourite stores to buy home accessories / blog photography props?
Amazon, or Target, Marshall's, TJMaxx, Home Goods, Walmart

Do you have a blog post schedule for specific days or just post when you can?
I try to post at least 3–4 times a week.

If you could do anything for work, what would it be?
I love what I do right now at my new job (I'm the communications coordinator for the local food bank): I do mostly graphic design, posting about events and different aspects of the food bank to social media, taking photos for social media, managing the organization's website and blog, and assisting with the printers and front desk receptionists. I'll definitely be doing a lot more later on. This job is SO up my alley, and I feel like God has blessed me 1000% with this job. But if I had to pick absolutely anything, I would LOVE to be a professional travel blogger and be paid to jetset to my dream destinations with Cecilio by my side, taking breathtaking photos and sharing my experiences to the world.

Would you ever consider moving country, if so where? OR have you lived in a different country before and what was it like?
I was born in the Philippines and then moved to the US when I was 2. So I hardly remembered it and the only time I went back was in 2014. But if I had to live anywhere else, it would have to be Canada or the UK. The healthcare there is so much better than what we have here, which is really important because of my lupus and I really need easy access to healthcare. I want other people to have better access too which is why I hate how the US healthcare system is treated like a business. But it's so cold in both of those countries, too cold for this California girl right here!

Do you have any holidays planned? If so where are you going?
I've been hinting to Cecilio that I've been wanting to go somewhere next year...but we have to save up and I have to accumulate more hours with my new job. I really wish we could go to London.

Have you got any beauty or fashion items that you really want to buy at the moment?
Oh hell yeah especially because my birthday is next month. I've been wanting the Charlotte Tilbury palette in "Dolce Vita" but I promised myself to wait until I got hired (which I did) and received my first paycheck. I feel like it's well-deserved, especially with suffering mentally and emotionally for a year with this job search!

I nominate:
Shoes and Glitter
Gloss n Glitters
Velvet Blush
Pink Daisy Loves
A Sparkle of Grace
Dreaming of Pink
Make Me Up Inside
Mrs Q Beauty
Beauty from Katie
Fabuleuse du Jour

Here are my 11 questions for you guys:
1. What type of camera do you use for your blog photos?
2. What is your favorite fall beverage?
3. Which beauty products can you absolutely not leave the house without on your face?
4. If you could go back and fix one of your biggest blogging mistakes, what would that be?
5. How do you manage blogging on top of your other life obligations?
6. White, milk or dark chocolate? Which do you prefer and why?
7. What was the last concert you went to?
8. What are some of your holiday or Christmas traditions?
9. Tarte or Too Faced? And why?
10. What are your goals and plans for 2018?
11. What life quote do you live by and why?

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