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Cocoa Brown | Chocolate Whip

Hello Lovelies!

You all know about my love for Cocoa Brown 1 Hour Tan, so just imagine my excitement when I came home to a parcel containing their new Chocolate Whip Oil Free Moisturiser* (there may have been a happy dance!) I have been such a big fan of the Cocoa Brown products for ages now..in my opinion Marissa Carter is an absolute genius and a godsend! That lady can just do no wrong! A couple of months ago brought the release of the "Tough Stuff" body exfoliater (which is now available in a tube..yay!) and now there is the Chocolate Whip body moisturiser.

First of all lets talk about the packaging, simple, cute and pink - what more could a girl ask for? There are lots of helpful tips on the back about how to use. They do recommend to patch test on your skin 24-48 hours before use, the moisturider itself is fragranced so I'm assuming if you have sensitive skin you might need to just be a little careful to make sure your skin doesn't react to it. It also contains Vitamin E and Panthenol, which on further investigation I found out that Panthenol helps protect your skin against environmental damage and Vitamin E helps with reducing stretch marks and age spots...pretty cool no? In terms of fragrance it smells exactly like the tan which for me is fine, I don't mind the fragrance and I don't find it lingers too much after application. 

The consistency of the moisturiser is really lovely and creamy. It sinks into my skin almost instantly so there is none of this hanging around waiting for moisturizer to dry business which during the colder months gets a massive thumbs up from me! I did get a bit of a fright when I first squeezed it out of the tube...I was definitely not expecting it to be brown, although in hindsight with a name like Chocolate Whip I don't know why I was so surprised! It left my skin feeling really hydrated and soft. I really noticed a difference with the longevity of my tan too, since this moisturiser is oil-free it is actually designed to help keep your tan looking fresh for longer. 

Call me a little biased - but I am yet again thoroughly impressed by another Cocoa Brown product, I would definitely recommend you give this a go! Its available to buy online here with free delivery!

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