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LA Haul #3 | Yummy Food Goodies

Hello My Lovelies,

Hope you are all doing well? I am so glad the weekend has finally come upon us as i really need a break after the stressful week i have had. So far my University timetable is looking pretty good so not all is lost with fitting in blogging as per usual - phewww! haha :) I just got back from work and was in a great mood to write up a new post. 

This is going to be the third instalment to my LA Haul, i am slowly but surely getting through everything as i still want to keep things mixed up on my blog, so they will be coming sporadically. Not sure about you guys but i do love a cheeky pig out on junk food, chocolate, sweets and all that good stuff, so naturally i had to pick up a few goodies on my travels. I honestly thought i got more food goodies than this, i'm thinking I've probably forgot to include something or i probably ate it before we landed back home haha. Never the less i thought i would share some of the yummy goodies i picked up, enjoy!

Golden Oreos & Birthday Cake Oreos

OMG! I cannot express to you how long i have wanted to try Golden Oreos, i think i must have tweeted about it a million times. When i saw them in the store i literally swiped them from the shelf and put them in our shopping cart. The Birthday Cake Oreos were an added bonus as these were a new variance that i had never seen before - slap on the wrist i know, i must be so behind on the Oreo range haha but look how yummy they look, i am a sucker for cute packaging too! I am already have a hugeeee sweet tooth and i cannot wait to dive into these beauties, they will be lovely little treats. 

Red Velvet & Confetti Cupcake Pop Tarts

Yet again another sweet indulgance! I am already quite partial to a Pop Tart every now and again so when i saw these ones and the fact one of them were Limited Edition it was another swipe from the shelves into my shopping cart. When i was in LA on this occassion i literally went Red Velvet crazy, everything that came in Red Velvet i had to try - for example, i had a Red Velvet Cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory and also Red Velvet Pancakes at iHop - ohh lordy i am having serious withdrawal symptoms from it all - i am so glad i have brought a little Rdd Velvet home with me! I am actually going to attempt to make some Red Velvet Pancakes so if they come out ok i might do a cheeky recipe post for you all. 

Extra Fruit Sensations - Sweet Watermelon & Extra Dessert Delights - Rainbow Sorbet

Whenever a new chewing gum flavour is released i will always make sure to give it a try. Watermelon is a favoured flavour of mine in anything sweet which is quite weird considering i don't like to eat fresh Red Watermelon...its all about the Honeydew! They both stood out to me as i have never really tried anything like them and i have heard a lot about the new Extra Indulgence ranges so thought i would pick a few up. Watch out for my USA themes giveaway which will be coming to my blog soon as i may or may not be featuring some of these beauties haha. 

Ice Breakers - Sours

I am sure i have had these in the UK before, unless it was when i came back from America a previous year...any ways all i know is i was pretty obsessed with these and i had to pick up some more. I am a sucker for anything sour. these a really delicious and come mixed with a few different flavours. They are perfect when you need a quick boost of energy or when you just fancy something sweet without going too overboard. Also, yet again the packaging is really fun and bright and i really am a sucker for great packaging. 

I hope you all enjoyed the third instalment to my LA Hauls, still have a few more on the way which include lots of makeup goodies and cloths. I would love to know what you think about the goodies i picked up and if you have tried any of them. Also, do let me know if their is anything i need to pick up next time i go. Like always lovelies, if you have an questions, requests or if you just want a chat you can contact me on my social media or leave me a comment below. I love hearing from you all and i make sure to read every single comment...they really make my day! 

If you haven't seen my Cosmo Blog Awards 2013 post you can take a quick peek by clicking here :) 

Lots of Love

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