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dave salmoni lion

images Dave Salmoni says that a lion would win dave salmoni lion. Salmoni must help a pride of
  • Salmoni must help a pride of

  • _TrueFacts
    09-04 11:28 AM
    Wow!!! this is just crazy>>>

    Over 100 die after YSR's death, son appeals for calm- Hindustan Times (http://www.hindustantimes.com/Over-100-die-after-YSR-s-death-son-appeals-for-calm/H1-Article3-450319.aspx)

    People dying for corrupt politician..God Save India

    wallpaper Salmoni must help a pride of dave salmoni lion. devoted to Dave Salmoni,
  • devoted to Dave Salmoni,

  • snathan
    08-17 12:21 PM
    So, lets stop this here :)

    SRK says - it is a procedure but it isn an unfortunate procedure. Which in my opinion is true.

    I did go through secondary inspection once in Atlanta, GA back in 2004 and it was kinda absurd. My name did not flash on computer but here is what this officer told me "Something wrong with the Chennai computer they have not uploaded your visa information. Did you really get this visa from Chennai Consulate?". Well, being a software engineer, I did understand that it is a system glitch but what can I do? I showed him my i 797 and all documents including EVL etc..... and he said i have to go through secondary inspection. Then at thesecondary inspection they asked me if I picked my luggage, I was taken aback because u r allowed to pick luggage only after the clearance and I said "no". they had a separate "officials only elevator" to baggage claim and asked me to go through that and bring my baggage and I did that. They asked me to open my bags and I did that. Then asked me which service center approved my h1b visa? I said texas. they looked up on their computer for a while and then took my i 797, tore the i 94 portion folded it and stapled it along with the white i 94 card and said I can go. But I decided to get some clarification and I politely asked the officer, why did I have to go through this? She politely said "It is a process". I asked why did she tear the i 94 portion of my i 797 and staple it to my passport? Do I have to keep it and what is the significance. She wanted to get me off her shoulder without asking questions and said "Yes, it has to be there, it is a proof, thank you and do let me know if you have any more questions" and smiled.

    While we all debate that procedures are followd in best interests of national security, at times we must also understand what these procedures are and how do they help.

    Some argued that because of tight security another 9/11 could be averted.

    Some argued that SRK is no VIP.

    In my opinion SRK is "no matter what" a star and an icon. Those who trash him, must understand that people like him have capabilities that u or I lack and thest why he is such a star. They can win hearts of people "children, adults, youth" they can entertain you and make you happy and on top of it al for them it is life and career path and they are best possible candidates for ambassadors for anything ranging from peace to disease to unity etc.... everything because of their charm.

    SRK managed to get DHS officials to speak and atleast give a statement which we as a community never managed to but we accept all this as part of life and think why should this guy not be treated like us.

    Folks - it is not easy to become a star and gain all this popularity - it is challenging which includes a lot of dedication, efforts, luck, timing and so many different things people have to do. Life of stars is not that rosy as they "smile" and wave to people. For them every minute and second is a challenge - they are not like American Lawyers or Doctors who have ABA or AMA who control the flow and competition always keep theem rich.

    The world is a small place and we all have to wake up to reality. Prof Gates gained such traction because he was having contacts with the president. Now if not for his incident, and not for the President vouching for him we would accept "it is how things are and live with it"

    We accept everything and say "it is how things are" at workplaces, or anywhere we put ourselves down and say "It is a part of culture" we have to live with it.

    The issue with us all is "We are highly educated and talented" but we never learned those lessons in schools where we stand up for causes - we are ready to blame and bash the victim - this is what exactly we do because first thing - we do not respect a victim, as it is not "us" and when it happens to us - we tend to live with it and not discuss it or do something about it.

    So folks lets stop it here. Stop blaming SRK or CBP. If you do not want to see his movie, no one is forcing you to.

    Things do happen for a reason, and it all depends to how you face situations like this in your life. Look at such incidents to get an idea of how to deal with things.

    People can not expect to be treated special because they are charming to some group or more. There are hell a lot of people with special talent and each and every one expecting to be treated in a special way...then there is no need for that procedure. If SRK is started crying when the common people going through the ordeal...well thats makes the difference between the real start and a moron.

    dave salmoni lion. hairstyles dave salmoni, dave salmoni lion. hair makeup of dave salmoni
  • hairstyles dave salmoni, dave salmoni lion. hair makeup of dave salmoni

  • tikka
    07-04 08:55 AM
    Dugg the links, posted to the board. What other action items do we have?

    some more items we all can work on


    also mail the reporters listed on this thread

    DIGGING is simple we have to encourage more members to DIGG> this will keep our stories as most popular

    2011 devoted to Dave Salmoni, dave salmoni lion. Name: Dave-Salmoni-Tiger.jpg
  • Name: Dave-Salmoni-Tiger.jpg

  • chi_shark
    09-23 09:00 PM
    have you ever considered that you may be too dumb to comprehend it? you can be classified in the same people who called gandhi's idea foolish or idea of a personal computer outlandish etc... if you cannot believe just sit back, relax and enjoy the flight.

    i cant believe ppl think this is a brilliant idea..
    economy is screwed for a while..citizens are on life support..and you want immigrants to be welcomed with open arms..


    dave salmoni lion. dave salmoni bio. after
  • dave salmoni bio. after

  • sk2006
    08-16 04:11 PM
    Well, explain to me, if an american celebrity, such as Brad Pitt or George Clooney is detained at IGI for 66 mins, taken aside for secondary in another chamber, made to wait,

    if robert gates (defense secretary), is asked to remove his shirt

    if ex president bush or clinton is frisked for secondary, would that be acceptable to americans?

    NO. We agree on the answer atleast. Do people in India have to KNOW them?

    Question is why such things are not done in India?
    Answer is: The security system there is like Swiss cheese -- Full of holes.

    They would by pass the rules for celebrities!
    Why do you expect USA to do the same?

    dave salmoni lion. images Dave Salmoni TV
  • images Dave Salmoni TV

  • nixstor
    07-03 04:14 PM
    Wrote to Jennifer Ludden at NPR who regularly reports on immigration
    email addresses are first name initial followed by lastname at npr dot org, if you would like to write


    dave salmoni lion. Dave Salmoni in quot;Dave Salmoni:
  • Dave Salmoni in quot;Dave Salmoni:

  • go_guy123
    07-12 03:43 PM
    BTW its taking anywhere between 52-65 weeks to get Canadian PR now. They process ur initial application after 52 weeks only and any time taken on top of it is extra..

    Canada Immgration back is also visa post quota based unlike birth country
    (not citizenship) based.
    Therefore as an Indian if you apply in India then backlog is massive (5 yrs).
    However just like in US system exceptions are there for Indians born outside India, Indians in US on H1B visa can apply in US where backlog is lesser.

    In the Canadian system you can apply in your county of citizenship or country where you are admitted for more than 1 year (eg H1B , L1 ,F1 ,J1 )

    2010 hairstyles dave salmoni, dave salmoni lion. hair makeup of dave salmoni dave salmoni lion. Dave Salmoni says that a lion would win
  • Dave Salmoni says that a lion would win

  • chanduv23
    02-13 10:39 AM
    You are right chanduv. If ppl are not even participating in letter campaign itself what to expect abt all this lawsuit stuff.

    We must learn from the Jews, Italians, Patels, the african amerifcan comunity, the anti immigrants - what unity can achieve.

    We seldom see them blaming their community efforts - they are strong and America is the apt place for them because they are strong. They built the system for themselves.

    We are always followers - divided - fighting among ourselves - challenging our own credibility.

    I do not want to deviate the intent of this thread. let it continue - but every topic must have a reality check.


    dave salmoni lion. Since its rebrand just two
  • Since its rebrand just two

  • PlainSpeak
    01-14 12:41 PM
    You helped others not helping them do nothing. First help yourself by being EB2. Then try EB1.
    You helped others not helping them do nothing.
    Whaaaat i will let teh first part go because i am sure even you have no idea what you are talking about

    First help yourself by being EB2. Then try EB1.
    My friend what is so great about getting EB2. Nothing... What job i do currently is more than what is reuired for a EB2 req job. ANd i am still in EB3 and you know what i am ok with that. So me being EB3 is ok about it but you being EB2 is asking me (or should i say baiting me) to be EB2 and if possible EB1.
    Shesssssssssssssssh. Ok sorry i promised nothing bad about EB2 mentality. I will keep my peace

    hair Name: Dave-Salmoni-Tiger.jpg dave salmoni lion. Tiger vs Lion, dave salmoni favors the tiger over the lion.
  • Tiger vs Lion, dave salmoni favors the tiger over the lion.

  • rbalaji5
    03-30 02:29 PM
    Do some research on Nuclear deal and see what it will bring to India in the next couple of decades. And tell me what Mr.Advani brought us when they were in power.

    We need food and shelter to sleep than Nuclear Deal I like your Future prediction of Nuclear deal.!!. (obviously, we are hungry and looking for food and place to sleep :)

    Letz change the Govt and see what will they do in future. (We did n't see anything big with Congress for the past 4 decades -


    dave salmoni lion. Tiger vs Lion. Dave Salmoni
  • Tiger vs Lion. Dave Salmoni

  • Subst_labor
    03-16 12:45 PM
    hi All,

    Can someone give me advice on this:

    I have 4 yrs Bachelors + 6.5 yrs of IT exp. i am being offered a Pre- approved labor(EB3-PD-Nov.2003), which was filed for someone with a condition-Bachelors + 4 years exp., at the time of filing.
    i graduated in June 2000, so i am about 1 year short for the 2003 PD. However i did some part time work during college in India and the lawyer says if i can get exp. letter from that company on a letter head, that should suffice.
    i am concerned if that India exp. during graduation will work or not.
    Has anyone faced a situation like this?
    the (part time exp)company was very small, can this be risky? what do you guys think?


    hot dave salmoni bio. after dave salmoni lion. Dave Salmoni: into lions den3
  • Dave Salmoni: into lions den3

  • vbkris77
    05-29 11:14 AM
    So when there is less demand, they screwed us by not processing on-time and when there is more demand, they are processing ROW fast to give them more visas, so there won't be any spill-over. What a convenient system????

    Unless we understand that CIS/State is the reason for Visa wastage and not any specific country/group/EB1,EB2 etc.. We will not be able to fight united and till then we will not get this mess cleared.

    Mr. Oppenheim explained that a trickling effect of unused visa numbers between EB categories has helped keep EB1 and EB2 categories current in prior years. However, due to the processing of a high number of applications, this trickling effect has already occurred, but is not expected to occur again in FY2009. Mr. Oppenheim attributed this to the hard work of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), as well as that of the DOS, as they have succeeded in processing enough cases to likely use all available visa numbers from all categories for FY2009. He stated that the DOS and the USCIS are supposed to process enough cases to use the annual allotment of visa numbers and not leave any available visas unused and wasted in any fiscal year.


    house Dave Salmoni dave salmoni lion. What is that Dave,
  • What is that Dave,

  • CADude
    04-18 02:49 PM

    04/18/2007: Further Clarification on Pending I-140 Substitution Petitions and Proposed Substitution Elimination Rule

    There are a couple of clarifications we want to make on our previous posting on this issue. The supplemental information part of a regulation is not binding, but when there is a room for interpretation on specific provisions of the rule itself, it gives a guidance to the interpretation. In this regards, for now, the correction to our previous interpretation should stand. Secondly, there is no information available about this issue in the final regulation which is expected to be released sooner or later. Whatever the final version will look, it may be prudent for the employers with the certified labor certification applications to file the substitution I-140 petitions as soon as possible before the final rule is released.
    04/18/2007: Clarification and Correction of Scope of Validity of Substitution of Approved Labor Certifications Under the Proposed Substitution Elimination Rule

    The final rule to eliminate the substitution is expected to be released in the near future. One question that raises the body heat has been the pending I-140 substitution petitions which have yet to be approved. Under the proposed regulation, there was a provision that the substitution approved at the time of enactment of the final rule will not be affected by the elimination rule. We previously interpreted the language "substitution approved" would include the approved I-140 substitution petitions and would not include the pending I-140 substitution petitions.
    We want to correct such interpretation. The substitution approved under the proposed rule appears to mean the substitution approved by the DOL and not necessarily the I-140 substitution approval. Accordingly, if the I-140 has been filed and is pending at the time enactment of the final rule, such case should not be affected by the elimination rule and remain valid. This is made clear by the following supplemental information to the proposed regulaation:
    Substitution of alien beneficiaries will be prohibited as of the effective date of a final rule resulting from this NPRM and that prohibition will apply to all pending permanent labor certification applications and to approved certifications not yet filed with DHS, whether the application was filed under the prior or current regulation. This regulatory change would not affect substitutions approved prior to the final rule's effective date.
    We stand corrected on this change.

    tattoo images Dave Salmoni TV dave salmoni lion. Dave Salmoni says that a lion
  • Dave Salmoni says that a lion

  • harikris
    06-03 10:12 PM
    Applicant gets the peace of mind and can go around buying houses, changing jobs etc whereas it is just a procedural change for USCIS.

    Who said you cannot buy a house on just h1b? Or change jobs while on EAD? Such would be their defense for the argument above.

    Peace of mind, my friend, does not comply with the objectivity of the argument. Also, it's very subjective too. People that have H1B, would be peaceful if they get their I140 approved, people that have GC would imagine how peaceful it would be if only they had citizenship.

    The incredibly long wait to process the backlog is simply not acceptable. With a professional shelf life being 30 odd years, one cannot afford to spend 50% of that time just waiting to be integrated in the system. Numbers don't lie.

    As i have been saying - introducing reform bills and converting them to legislations is our only way, right? Let's put these numbers together as a motivation for the reform bill and seek solutions.


    pictures Dave Salmoni in quot;Dave Salmoni: dave salmoni lion. Dave Salmoni : People.com
  • Dave Salmoni : People.com

  • PlainSpeak
    01-14 09:50 AM
    PlainSpeak has a new sock puppet account called actaccord who has no choice but to support him/her. how many more accounts did gcperm create who don't donate ot participate?
    Guys lets not waste our time on manipulative salespeople.
    In cases like PlainSpeak we need a background check for free members posting more than 10 messages a day, not only charge them.
    I agree this member has been inciting people to start fighting with him/her and into arguments, and playing a emotional manipulative card by pretending to be a woman. did you take acting classes at a dollar store, its so fake and cheap?
    plainspeak is just trying to keep negative threads alive and incite more in-fighting.
    PlainSpeak has a new sock puppet account called actaccord who has no choice but to support him/her. how many more accounts did gcperm create who don't donate ot participate?
    Ok here is the fallacy in your argument. Why do i need mutiple accounts to get you guys to realize what u you are doing is wrong when this one account and this one post is all that takes to get everyone to see the real side of the so called senior members and donaters.
    Regarding GC PERM (Rolling my eyes NOT Again) see my previous post and please read it carefully and if you do not get it please read it a couple of time more. i am sure you will get it.

    And yes my friend TinyHK12 you might have just lost the support of the one guy on this forum who while not being abusive about my post also did NOT support me. He was rooting for AmitJoye a senior member here and some one with whose idea you agree 100%. Thats called as shooting yourselves in the foot

    In cases like PlainSpeak we need a background check for free members posting more than 10 messages a day, not only charge them.
    Sure that is a great idea. As i said before (I think i was responding to you post in another thread) a paid subscription for posting messages on this forum is agreat idea and background checks wow that is a new one. How about a criminal background check like they do for jobs in financial sectors. Great idea but please remeber this will have to be a requirement which wil have to be implemented for each and every member of this forum and yes that includes background check on you yourselves my friend TonyHK. And please dont even think about the privacy issues IV will face

    I agree this member has been inciting people to start fighting with him/her and into arguments, and playing a emotional manipulative card by pretending to be a woman.
    Ok first please get this one fact straight that i am a women but just so that all you abusive senior members and donors will breathe a little easy i will become a man for you. Then you guys will not have any constraints and will not hold back and will not feel bad about abusing a women becasue for your convieneice and so that you can abuse guilt free i hav ebecome a man. Now there is just one thing wrong with this logic

    Sheesh you guys are shooting yourselves in the foot every time you post on this forum

    plainspeak is just trying to keep negative threads alive and incite more in-fighting.
    If you senior members and donars will step back and think about this for a moment you will realize the truth and the truth is that you guys have accused me of mob mentality but the fact is it is you guys who have a mob mentality.

    How let me explain .........

    If you do no agree to a post all of you gang up and start abusing the posters and any unfortunate souls who agree with the posters. Normally that is enough to scare the poster away. He/she either decides that this is not worth it and takes an out or is coerced by you so called senior members in such a way that their will is broken and they are just plain scared (YES SCARED !!).

    Now coming to my post. There is nothing wrong in what i said. I asked for discussion to an idea. This is just like all the other guys and gals before me to tried the same. The only difference is that i stand by my comment and i do not abuse you guys back because i reply back to every argument of yours (No matter how stupid/illogical/abusive) with valid arguments. Now you guys do not know how to deal with that and the only way to respind is to answer back with strong arm tactics.
    But guys the answer is really simple. Answer back with logical arguments and if you do not have any more logical arguments please rethink about the arguments (Do brainstorming and come up with one argument). Do not spend your valuable time working out HOW TO DISCREDIT PLAINSPEAK AND GET HIM (I am a man for you sake) OUT OF THE FORUM. Instead think about a logical argument to my post and convince me. Hey i am here to be convinced, Not my brow beating Not by strong arm tactis and certainly Not by abuses but by Logic.

    (Logic in india is called Tarq. So bai log bhuddi or Tarq sa bate karo )

    dresses Dave Salmoni: into lions den3 dave salmoni lion. Though Salmoni#39;s celebrity as
  • Though Salmoni#39;s celebrity as

  • dummgelauft
    06-24 01:39 PM
    This is what I received from a immigration lawyer ......


    There are few things that clearly demonstrate the overarching need for immigration reform than the most recent information provided by the U.S. Department of State's (DOS) Visa Bulletin. The Visa Bulletin provides information on the availability of immigrant visa numbers, which dictates when foreign nationals may apply for green cards under various preference categories. The July installment of the Visa Bulletin shows complete unavailability for the vast majority of employment-based cases. Moreover, DOS projections show that demand for higher-preference green card categories could reach record levels, which would lead to backlogs in these categories where green card numbers were traditionally available in the past.

    The Visa Bulletin establishes "cut-off" dates based on the demand for green cards versus the amount actually available under immigration law to each specific employment-based (and family-based) category per country for each fiscal year. As it assesses green card demand in relation to availability, the DOS may move these cut-off dates forward or back, or not at all. When the DOS believes that all immigrant visa numbers in a particular category will be exhausted (or allocated) by the end of a particular fiscal year (i.e., September 30th), it will indicate an "unavailability" of numbers (marked as "U") in the Visa Bulletin. The law prevents any single country from overuse of immigrant visa numbers during a particular fiscal year. As a result, foreign nationals born in countries from which there is significant immigration to the U.S. will typically have a separate "cut-off" date (and longer waiting times for an available green card number) in the Visa Bulletin.

    An individual's priority date or "place in line" for a visa number under the employment-based categories is the date on which his or her employer files a labor certification or immigrant visa petition with the government. Individuals assigned priority dates that are earlier than the relevant preference category cut-off date noted in the Visa Bulletin are eligible to move to the last step in the employment-based green card process - either processing of an adjustment of status application with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), or processing of an immigrant visa at a U.S. consulate abroad. When the category is "unavailable," individuals cannot file for adjustment of status or receive an immigrant visa.

    In the most recent Visa Bulletin, immigrant visa numbers continue to be unavailable for all third preference (EB-3) employment-based cases. Third preference cases comprise the majority of pending employment-based green card cases, as they include positions requiring at minimum either a bachelor's degree or two years of work experience.

    The July Visa Bulletin indicates that the first, second and fourth and fifth preference employment categories remain current for July. However, since demand in the second. preference category for individuals from China and India exceeds the per-country limitations, these two countries have second-preference cut-off dates of January 2000.

    Overall, the July Visa Bulletin continues a substantial decrease in green card availability over the government's 2009 fiscal year. Admittedly, the retrogression, or backward movement of the cut-off dates, has been more common for employment-based green card numbers in recent years. Yet the complete exhaustion of EB-3 numbers and the sharp decline in India and China's EB-2 numbers are staggering reversals given the slow yet steady improvement in these cut-off dates during the present fiscal year.

    DOS has projected that, as a result of significant filings in the EB-4 and EB-5 categories, there will be fewer numbers to supplement the EB-1 and EB-2 categories. In previous years, thousands of unused EB-4 and EB-5 numbers "spilled over" into other preference categories. However, greater-than-anticipated EB-4 and EB-5 usage, as well as greater demand in the EB-1 category itself, will create an even greater dearth of available "spill over" immigrant visa numbers in the EB-2 category.

    In addition, the DOS has indicated that the EB-1 category for individuals born in India or China may backlog or retrogress later this summer, and may do so again in the coming fiscal year. Predictably, prognostications for the EB-2 category for India and China are also quite grim - in the next month or two, the EB-2 category could become unavailable. In particular, USCIS has indicated that it has about 25,000 EB-2 India cases and "significant numbers" of cases for Chinese nationals that have been reviewed and are simply awaiting visa number availability. This category has a typical fiscal-year limit of 2,800, plus any remaining numbers from the EB-1, EB-4 and EB-5 categories.

    With respect to the EB-3 category, the DOS has stated that the worldwide, China and Mexico quotas for the EB-3 category will become available again with the start of the new fiscal year in October 2009, with a projected cut-off date of March 1, 2003 for each. However, the EB-3 India quota may have a November 1, 2001 cut-off date.

    The federal quotas limiting employment-based green card numbers have remained unchanged since 1990, nearly two decades ago. Since that time, the United States has undergone unprecedented expansion, technological development, and cultural diversification, in large part through immigration. During this progress, skilled immigrants have continued one of our country's oldest and proudest traditions - the search for better lives for their families, and the desire to contribute to and to participate in our free society. Still, these quotas remain stagnant, potentially stifling the future of our nation's ability in the 21st century to prosper as an economic competitor in our world, to build a broad-based infrastructure in our localities, and to live together as families in our homes.

    A quarter-century prior to 1990, major revisions to the immigration quotas sparked a historic influx of individuals to our nation of immigrants. In 1965, this broad-based increase in immigration levels across all preference categories allowed some of the world's most talented individuals to come to our shores and share their knowledge as academics, increase our economic fortunes as innovators and entrepreneurs, build vibrant communities as leaders and organizers, and inspire with their tales of strife and triumph as refugees. For many ethnicities and nationalities, the "post-65" generation was the real beginning of their stories in America.

    Faced with a major financial downturn and an increasingly competitive global economy, our country cannot choose the path of closed borders and restricted immigration. At this very moment, historically restrictive nations are expanding their immigration policies and attracting valuable immigrants otherwise bound for our shores.

    Absent relief provided by potential legislation, there will be substantial backlogs for nationals of India and China in all categories for many years. Careful and strategic planning for employers and foreign nationals entering into or engaged in the immigrant visa process will be necessary while we continue to advocate zealously for reform to address these antiquated quotas.

    These green card backlogs illustrate the need for comprehensive immigration reform. In particular, a long-overdue increase in employment-based green card availability would play a major role in making future generations of individuals feel welcome to come to our nation of immigrants and in spurring sorely needed innovation and prosperity.

    ..I am waiting for the punch line. What's the point of this? We all know it...


    makeup Since its rebrand just two dave salmoni lion. Dave Salmoni
  • Dave Salmoni

  • softcrowd
    05-29 10:31 AM
    So, based on this prediction - Eb2 may not even cross year 2004 by end of FY2010 quota...Is my understanding correct?

    girlfriend Dave Salmoni says that a lion dave salmoni lion. Dave Salmoni with Leo the Lion
  • Dave Salmoni with Leo the Lion

  • peacocklover
    09-25 04:17 PM
    Fantastic idea, it will bring OXYGEN to this bedridden economy. We need to contact real estate media channels like HDTV for the support to project through their media.

    hairstyles Tiger vs Lion. Dave Salmoni dave salmoni lion. Dave Salmoni | Best Week Ever
  • Dave Salmoni | Best Week Ever

  • dealsnet
    09-04 04:30 PM
    You quote YSR discussion from TOI.

    Here I am pasting same YSR discussion from rediff.com

    by JGN on Sep 05, 2009 12:49 AM
    The inherent racism of historic Hinduism is thus blatant. You were judged by the color of your skin, not the content of your character, skills or talents. The darker your skin, the lower your caste and rank in Hindu society. The whiter your skin, the higher your caste and rank. The Brahmins prided themselves on their white skin while despising the darker skinned untouchables who were often viewed and treated as sub-humans.
    This explains why Hindu gurus are more than willing to travel to the West to convert rich white Europeans to Hinduism BUT never travel to black Africa to make converts. The truth is, they don’t want black people whose skin color is an indication of bad karma. As long as they can sucker rich white people into giving them money (“Money is evil. So give it all to me.”) why bother with darker skinned people?
    This can be documented by the statements of many of the gurus who have reaped riches in the West. When one guru was asked on TV what he was doing to help the poor, he responded, “Let the Christians take care of them. I am here to help the rich.”

    YSR is dengerous than SWINE FLUE...shame on YSR's Son.

    Over 100 die after YSR's death..

    India - NEWS - The Times of India (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/opinions/4970708.cms#top1)

    See what posters in Times of India say

    Raj,Uk,says:With all due respect to YSR but his followers are not leaving any stone unturned in capitalising his death it seems like a race to make him most popular leader. If the number of deaths due to shock to be considered as the measure of popularity then YSR becomes far more famous then Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi et al. This is a wrong precedence we are setting by publishing the unconfirmed news, just think what will happen post mayawati/lalu and other so called popular leaders.

    Ek,BLR,says:60 people dying is a joke..bigger joke is people dying of cardiac arrest...I have never heard of anyone having a cardiac arrest at their mother, father,wife or for that matter their Child's death.......These people attribute any death happening on these days to YSR's death..I am not denying there are some fools who are capable of committing suicides though!!!

    02-14 12:34 PM
    Watch and see how fast the Michigan government will start issuing DL to H1B holders and to those who has pending I-485.


    If you believe in it, stay put - gather support. Work towards legal opinion. Not sure if IV core endorses it, but use the forum to get support.

    Those who are interested must consider forming a mailing list and create a group.

    Many people just take the poll, and run away if approached. Let everyone participate wholeheartedly.

    IV wants all members to help in the Admin fix - "Letter to the President" campaign and it is very essential we follow peaceful methods. Please help make this campaign successful.

    06-26 12:32 PM
    nope. The august bulletin which gets released mid july didn't get into our arguements at all. We were specifially talking about july filers and july month.

    Yes, i agree that if August bulletin retrogresses than that affects only august filers and not the people eligible to file in july.

    Yes, the august bulletin will be showing retrogressed dates. But when August bulletin is issued in mid-July, it does not impact the petitions received in July, because the August bulletin applies to August and even if August is retrogressed until 1975, they still have to accept 485s until 31st July.

    That's what your lawyer said. Right?

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