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Shiro Cosmetics: The Earth's Mightiest Heroes Collection ft The Anguished Sighs of Retail Employees

Ok you folks, Shiro Cosmetics is something I've been meaning to check out for a while but when I say I went in... I went IN! Like... so excite to own all these beauties and play with them! This particular collection is inspired by The Avengers. 
Availability: Shiro is no longer in business.
Would I buy this again? I can't say for sure yet.
NotesNotes will accompany each shade respectively. Please note that while I grouped these by collection I didn't purchase each shade from every collection because that's crazy excessive. 
Genius Millionaire Playboy Philanthropist - aka the Tony Stark shade is described as a metallic copper-tinted gold with a subtle red shift. I'd really have to agree with that description. It's such a pretty color!
Glowstick of Destiny is described as a muted Tesseract blue with strong golden duochrome. This is a soft sky-blue-meets-periwinkle with a strong gold shift. Really soft but beautiful!
The Anguished Sighs of Retail Employees (the name just SLAYS me) is described as a mid-tone green with with an intense coppery-red shift and loaded with pinky-red sparkle. I'd describe the color as a cool-toned mossy green base with a subtle pink shimmer running through it and loaded with bursts of pink micro-shimmer. The shimmer borders on fuchsia but I wouldn't call it red.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

DisclaimerI paid for these myself with the exception of The Anguished Sighs of Retail Employees, which was provided as a sample.

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